Here’s How…
Join the “Lite or Pro” membership and Get Everything You Need To “Speak Like An American” — Personal Consulting with Certified Trainer’s or Founder, Travis James and “All Acces”‘ to the Members-Only portal on our ConverSAID site, and more (see below)…
The truth about speaking English clearly is that it doesn’t happen overnight, but can take years to hone the skills to speak clearly and effectively with little or no accent.
The old style of classroom English teachers telling you ways to speak with is a thing of the past!
You certainly don’t have to wait 20 years or more, before you gradually begin losing your foreign or regional accent.
There’s a much simpler and faster way of speaking English with no accent. And you don’t have to be born in the U.S. to speak English fluently.
The KEY is having a well rounded and wholistic approach with live personal feedback from a ConverSAID Certified Trainer to help you develop the musicality of the language and intonation for more “natural” sounding speech. We built our ConverSAID platform to focus on your sounds and intonations of your accent and offer a place to meetup with a community with like minded individuals for learning to improve these skills.
You and I both know that it’s awkward when learning a new language. And practice makes perfect, right? Well, NO, actually, Perfection should not be the goal. That’s why ARTA believes the fastest to Accent Reduction is through personalized mentoring using training material available 24/7 from your personal Certified ConverSAID Coach.
So why learn accent reduction anymore from programs who aren’t there for you 24/7?
Times have changed and so has your educational tools.
My guess is that if you’re reading this, you’re the type of person who doesn’t want to have to speak without confidence and clarity and don’t want to waste time practicing techniques that don’t give you results immediately.
That’s why we created the ConverSAID Membership Program–a monthly coaching and LIVE Support Program to help you stay focused everyday on your goals for learning your new American accent by a ConverSAID certified trainer and ARTA Exclusive Partner.
We’re opening up access to our database and our transcripts so we can personally help you stay focused on your accent goals each month, while helping you stay focused on the ARTA Method that resonates with you so deeply — speaking without compromising your integrity or losing your unique personality by having to make someone else struggle to understand you.
I’m inviting you to become a member of the ConverSAID Platform, so that each month you’ll learn new and different ways to apply the ConverSAID Method to your English speaking conversations to build confidence, be understood, and enjoy more success socially and professionally.
As a member of the ConverSAID Membership Program, you’ll get:
Annual Online Access To The ConverSAID Method and Classroom Archived Sessions with Transcripts, Along With an Introductory Video ($297.00 Value) You’ll learn all the “ins and outs” of the ConverSAID Method. A truly revolutionary speaking approach based on natural conversation and communication techniques with your friends and colleagues at an informal level. ConverSAID has put into words what thousands of students have wanted to know for years. You’ll get instant access to difficult combination of phonetic blends, phrases, and sentences when speaking the English language and a strategy that has proven to create lasting results for speaking with no accent.
You’ll learn:
• Why the ARTA Method reveals your speaking personality
• Why focusing on the how, is just as important as focusing on what your saying
• How to stop slipping into the “speak every word clearly” mode and start having
fluent and “natural” dialogue with your friends and colleagues
• Identify your English speaking mistakes that make your listener go into “Wait.. What?” mode.
ARTA Assessments Sessions With Your ConverSAID Certified Trainer ($277.00 Value) These revolutionary sessions will break your old pronouncing habits that are penalizing you instead of promoting your ability to have good connection with people you meet casually everyday. Your Accent Assessment will customize the ConverSAID model directly to your common problems within your daily life. You’ll learn “opening and closing statements”, for better communication, and a clear, confident opening phrase for your next business meeting or social encounter with a colleague that will promote a natural flowing conversation with your friends. Your Accent Assessment will also identify you on your phone calls, work with you on monitoring your mistakes that keep business colleagues from listening to you. In short, your Accent Assessment will work with you on any business or social scenario that you face using the ARTA Method to help you. Every ARTA Assessment will be administered by ARTA. These sessions have been life-changing for thousands of ConverSAID Members and will be the same for you.
Transcripts of One-On-One Intonation Sessions ($185.00 Value) Over the past 25 years, ARTA has trained thousands of ConverSAID clients who allowed them to record their one-on-one accent class sessions and how to their industry-related vocabulary and businesses. For the first time ever, you’ll be able to eavesdrop into these conversations and learn how ConverSAID masterfully trains people from virtually every industry. Each of these clients paid thousands of dollars to be trained personally by ConverSAID and you’ll be able to listen into these sessions as part of your ConverSAID Membership.
Here are some of the industries we work with regularly
Entertainment, Medical, Accounting, Insurance, IT, Marketing, Realestate, HR Recruiting, Software Development, Legal Services and more….
(If your industry is not listed here, ask us how your subscription can be customized to your industry.)
A Online Q&A Conference Call with ARTA where you can ask any question you’d like about your accent ($197.00 Value) – This is your chance to “pick our brains”. You’ll get coaching directly from ARTA in a self-paced setting. You can bring your toughest challenges, the “stickiest” conversation scenarios you experience, and we will provide you with an effective solution every time. Many members say that working directly with a ConverSAID Coach is the most valuable benefit of their entire membership. You’ll be able to submit your questions and on the ConverSAID website forum and we will answer them for you. Simply submit questions anytime, and your ConverSAID Coach will reply to them. If you missed something, no problem, you’ll be able to access the forum to post your questions from your personal login.
Access to Monitoring Accent Tools for Members Only: “Common Conversation Phrase Sheet” and the “Self Monitoring Check List”
($168.00 Value) These are very specific pronunciation tools that we only provide to our ConverSAID Members. The “Self Monitoring” checklist has practical conversation phrases you can put into practice when using the ConverSAID Method to make your speaking skills stress-free. Instead of feeling awkward with what words or phrases to avoid when communicating like a native, all you have to do is review the Transcripts and “Common Conversation Phrase Sheet“, to find your specific conversation scenario and the exact phrases will be there for you to use spontaneously. Also, the “Self Monitoring” Check List, is a powerful visual road map based on common pronunciation errors outlined by your ConverSAID trainer, and lays out your personal pronunciation tips so that you know exactly how to handle any correction while having a conversation. These Monitoring Accent tools, developed by ARTA, will keep you focused.
A Transcript of Each Q&A Call With An Accent Trainer Available To Members ($95.00 Value) You’ll be looking forward to waiting to review a new class from ARTA’s latest training session. In each of the transcribed classes, ConverSAID is known for providing over 20 new sample exercises to use for each situation. The implementation of the ConverSAID Method, is performed when training while allowing the American accent to weave it’s way into and throughout the conversation. You’ll want to review these and .mp4 files over and over again. You can listen and study them where ever and whenever you want. You can put the recording on your computer or any mobile device, and practice the tips, so you can make improvements even faster.
An .MP4 Recording of Each Phonetic Segment of Speech ($79.00 Value) If you’re mobile and on the go, you’ll be notified within minutes when new material is ready to be reviewed from the Membership website. This way you play it right from your mobile device for listening at home or on the road. Listening to these .mp4’s is like having your ConverSAID Coach with you, so you continue to succeed and stay focused on the ConverSAID Method.
Annual Access to the Members-Only Emails ($297.00 Value) You’ve never seen a Members Plan as comprehensive as this one. It has hundreds of pages of transcripts that you’ll be able to access each month for your entire membership. And, it’s updated with new content all the time. It’s also the ultimate networking community for like-minded people who believe clear and effective communication is the key to successful long-term relationships. And you’ll never be alone, feeling like you’ve got to figure things out by yourself. The 24/7 peer forum, the “online list”, and live chat sessions, give you a “home” to come to anytime. You can access the latest .mp4’s, brainstorm in the Live Chat room with ConverSAID coaches, post and search for the latest success stories and case studies in the Discussion Forum, catch up on the latest ConverSAID news, submit your questions, and review the latest trainers articles. This subscription plan is your central hub for everything you need as a ConverSAID Member.
— Custom Industry Transcripts Accent Classes (If you’re industry is not covered, you’re accent trainer will customize the program for you.)
— A 24/7 Live Chat Discussion Forum so you can interact live with other ARTA members anytime you have a challenge or want to ask questions
— Your “Online Now” chat where you can connect with other members in your industry to connect and study together
— New transcripts of a ARTA class sharing tips and secrets about the Self- Monitoring that are not publicly available to non-members
— A Calendar with all upcoming class dates and details
— The Latest ARTA News to keep you in the loop
— The Latest articles that ARTA Trainer’s have published with new tips and strategies
—Access to the Member Forum
— Access to the core ARTA accent principles for success – The Mentor and Conversation Strategies you can review anytime
— Access to the latest “ARTA Member” articles
— Access to the latest Segments of speech .mp4’s
— Access to the latest Accent Tips
— JUST ADDED: Live Chat Conversation sessions by topic (i.e. The Accent Monitoring, Handling Common Pitfalls, Taking the Stress out of your professional communication and social interactions— and more!!
Ongoing “Accent Tips” To Keep You Focused On The Self Monitoring Checklist ($67.00 Value) You’ll love these tips. They are written every week by ConverSAID Trainer’s based on real life situations that students experience everyday. They dissect each speaking scenario so that you have a real life strategy to use in virtually any daily situation you experience. They’ll keep you on track so you don’t slip back into your old way of speaking. ConverSAID will share with you the many insights about how Monitoring can be applied to your different business encounters and even your personal life.
“ARTA Member” Articles Emailed To You ($198.00 Value): There’s a “nugget in every article” of the ConverSAID member articles with strategies that show how to use the ARTA Method for solving your day-to-day speaking challenges — so you’ll never again feel “embarrassed” while speaking. Personal stories from ARTA in a variety of industries that have “broken the barrier” from old-speaking patterns. And personal stories from ARTA about how others have used the Mentoring to their personal gain. You’ll receive your first issue within the first 30 days after you become a member. Members can save every issue of the “ConverSAID Membership” so they can review the newest ideas and strategies each month.
TOTAL MONTHLY VALUE: $2,057.00/month
The price for membership is $0.00 now and then $199.00/month (billed semi-annually $1199) every 6 Months after your 14 day trial.
No contract, no commitment.
Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.
Every plan comes with a 14-Day Money Back Guarantee.