
Accent Reduction Training Association

Mentor Membership Program – Accent Reduction

Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll find in the Mentor’s Members site:

Custom Industry Recordings Accent Classes (If you’re industry is not covered, you’re accent trainer will customize the program for you.)

A 24/7 Live Chat Conversation Room so you can interact live with other ARTA members anytime you have a challenge or want to ask questions

Your “Friend List” where you can connect with other members in your industry to “connect” and chat together

New videos of an ARTA class sharing tips and secrets about the Self Monitoring that are not publicly available to non-members

A Calendar with all upcoming class dates and details

The Latest ARTA News to keep you in the loop

The Latest articles that ARTA Senior Trainers have published with new tips and strategies

Access to the Mentor Member Forum

Access to dozens ARTA accent trainers & their principles for success – The Mentor and Communication Strategies you can review anytime

Access to the latest “Mentor Members” newsletter

Access to the latest Q&A Accent Class (.mp3) download

Access to the latest Accent Reduction Video Clips

JUST ADDED: Weekly Live Chat Conversation sessions by topic(i.e. The Keys to Accent Mistake Monitoring, Handling Common Pronunciation Pitfalls, Taking the Stress out of your workplace conversations and increase social awareness) and more!!

Learn More >>

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