Processing Fee

Processing fee (Article processing charges):
ARTA open access journal provides high quality services for publishing articles. Articles submitted to ARTA follow thorough peer-review processing and we incur normal publishing fee to be paid by the authors. The process of publishing involves various stages like proofreading, type-setting, plagiarism checking and finding reviewers to review articles. Authors can publish their novel findings in any of the 30 peer-review open access journals.

Benefits of publishing in ARTA:
We do unconventional peer review process for all the articles submitted to any of the ARTA journals.
Articles will be available online and anyone can access and download anywhere from the world without any subscription and restriction.
Articles are permanently archived and available on ARTA website.

Article processing fee:
Article processing fee are paid by the authors, their institutions or through the research grantor. We don’t charge any extra cost for color figures. Please find the below table for detailed information about the ARTA publishing fees. Charges are applicable based on the type of articles. Authors need to pay their processing fee only if your article is accepted for publication.

Research/Review                                  Other
      $775                          $680