What People Say

What People Are Saying:

“It was as if a personal trainer was right there beside me, whispering
in my ear, while I consorted with patients and staff.” – Health Care Physician – Madrid, Spain


“My busy work schedule didn’t allow me time to travel to a speech 

class after work. They made it easy and hassle free.” – IT Consultant, U.S.A., Bangalore, India

You guys did it again. I secured a job this afternoon after a
real breakthrough in this morning session.
– Theatre, Film, TV International – Actor, LA

“Sometimes I avoided conversations, now I see them as an opportunity

to improve my speech. – Financial Exec. – Wall Street


ARTA taught in me to speak with confidence and clarity, and get out
of my own way.” – College Professor, Detroit, Michigan


This is Fun and Effective. – Manhattan, NYC – Attorney at Law


“I’m looking forward to my next session.” – Real Estate Businessman,
Upper East Side, NYC


“The most fascinating lesson I ever had.”-Chemical Engineer, Washington, D.C.


“I wish I knew about ARTA years ago.” – Consulate General to the U.N. – NYC

“It was positive, and engaging classroom experience. Thank you.”
– Real Estate Professional – Tampa, FL

“The exercises are 
highly effective.” – IT Professional, Seattle, WA

“I can make an appointment when I’m traveling from New York to LA
for business.” – COO Fortune 100 Company

I felt like Alice falling through the hole. I discovered something very valuable.” – Chicago, IL – IT International Consultant

When I found the ARTA method, something clicked! I had not thought of communicating on such a powerful level.”  – Time Warner Cable,
Sales Representative

My trainer challenged me, to be better, like a good mentor or a coach.”
– Seattle, WA – Human Resources, HR Tech Firm