Upcoming Workshops
The (ARTA) Level I Training online. ARTA Training trains individuals and company employees in a well known strategy to improve your ability to learn accent reduction techniques for advanced communication by using the (ARTA) Method. This workshop is planning to offer a ‘monthly membership” at no additional cost.
ARTA Level I Training
Seating Limited
Workshop Hours: Wednesdays 9:00am PST (for 60-90 minutes)
ARTA is a highly-effective strategy, with over 20 years of research based clients from around the world.
The ARTA Level I Training is appropriate for mid-level and upper management professionals working within organizations with multi-cultural backgrounds, where they may be experiencing limited communication or pronunciation skills, making it difficult to communicate with team members and clients.
This 7 week intensive workshop is designed to teach participants the method behind the (ARTA) Training of Accent Reduction and the ARTA techniques to effectively implement the remaining
3 levels of Speech Training & Development.
“This was without a doubt the best investment I ever made in my career. The technique is so practical and hands-on that I find myself using it all the time, even without knowing I am doing it. The group was highly challenging and the trainer was passionate, knowledgeable and definitely engaging. I was glad I took time from my work schedule to attend this most valuable training.”
For more information:
PH: (844) Speak-Well
or email: [email protected]