ARTA open access journal invites authors to submit their original research work to us where we will post and promote the article to the public on our website and journal. This section provides guidelines for authors on how to prepare, construct and submit the article. Every author should read the guidelines below before submitting the article. This page will provide you with all the necessary steps needed about ethical guidelines, plagiarism and other details for developing the article. We request all the authors to read the instructions below thoroughly before emailing the article. After the successful submission of your article, an email confirming the article ID will be sent to the author.

ARTA publishes journals quarterly. Please follow the other links under the home page tab provided above to know more about the journal.

Basic Guidelines for Authors: Plagiarism
ARTA does not accept plagiarized materials or manipulated content from previous publications. The author is solely responsible for plagiarism and duplication of their content.

If the author wants to reproduce any figures, schemes or diagrams from other published material, then it is the author’s responsibility to seek approval from the appropriate sources or publishers.

Any articles submitted to the ARTA journal will be checked for plagiarism before proceeding to the next level of the process. If our editors, editorial staffs or peer-reviewers find any plagiarized content the excerpts will be notified to the author immediately asking the author to rewrite the content in their article. If the article contains 25% or more of plagiarized content then the article will be rejected and the data will be made known to the author.

The article should contain a summary of up to 300 words if it is a research article. The summary should not contain reference numbers, units, references, measurements or abbreviations unless necessary. However, summary can include sub-headings of 40 characters followed by listing the main results and conclusions.

Cover Letter
Authors are requested to submit the cover letter during the email submission of the article. It should be emailed as a .pdf file. The cover letter should contain the following information.
• Study should be properly summarized.
• Article type should be specified (research article, review article, mini review, editorials short communications and case reports).
• Author should include phone number and email address.

Article Title
The word limit for the article title should not be more than 30 words. The following details should be present in the article title:
• Name, email address of the corresponding author along with the phone number and mailing address.
• Full name, institution, department, country and city name of the co-author.
• Keywords should be listed in the article which will help us to categorize and review your article.

An abstract is a summary or statement which should inform the reader of the content with the word limit of 300 words. The abstract should provide the reason, methods, results and conclusion of the article. The abstract should be placed at the top of the page just below the title.

The following are details for guidelines of a good abstract:

• Reason: the reason for the article
• Methods: how was the issue resolved
• Results: (list one or two)
• Conclusion

The introduction should be concise and easily understood even by the non-technical person. The purpose and the impact of the study should be clearly explained.
A short review on the key literature should be included. The introduction should also explain the goal of the research and how it was reached.

The submitted article should include a detailed description of the participants or materials, interventions and the type of analysis. Results and acknowledgement should be explained in the conclusion. Author’s research findings should be written in past tense. The author should acknowledge everyone who is involved in the study and also the organization that has provided any funds or grants. Only published or accepted articles should be included as a reference in the reference list.

Acknowledgements should be provided to the people who don’t meet the authorship criteria. These names should be listed under the acknowledgement section along with the description of their contribution in the study such as those who provided technical help, writing assistance as is often the case of a department chair.

Authors should ensure that, the names mentioned under the Acknowledgement section should consent to their being named.

Any type of published or accepted article should be cited in the reference list. Unpublished work or the article yet go get the acceptance for publishing should not be cited as reference.

Author should follow the following citation rules:
• References should be listed at the end of the article.
• Abstract or summaries should not contain any citations.
• We adhere to the numbered citation (citation – sequence) method.
• References are listed and numbered in the order that they appear in the text.
• Citations should be indicated by the reference number in brackets.
• Multiple citations within a single set of brackets should be separated by commas.
• If there are three or more sequential citations, they should be given as a range.
• Authors are requested to provide at least one online link for each reference.
• We ensure that, references are properly formatted, as all references will be linked electronically to the papers they cite.

Examples of formatted references:

General References:
1. Komadiai H, Hirana M, Tokyo H, Isha Y, Kudo MN, et al. (1989) Concept of the clinical trials in clinical research. Am J Pharm 3: 511-549.
2. Komadiai H, Hirana M (1989) Concept of the clinical trials in clinical research. Am J Pharm 3: 511-549.

Book References:
1. Hirana M (2001) Tools for differential analysis of clinical trials. Taylor & Francis CRC Press.
2. Kudo M (1983) Concept of the clinical trials in clinical research. (1stedn), W.B. Saunders Company, Canada, Toronto.

• Place the tables below the paragraph where exactly it should be included in the article. Don’t send the tables in separate files.
• Submitted tables should be properly labeled (e.g Table 1) and title should also be framed and positioned above the table. Footnotes or descriptive notes about the table should be placed below the table.
• Bold or italic typefaces should not be used in tables. If needed it should be given as footnote.
• Footnotes in tables should be numerals. Each footnote should begin in a new line.
• Tables should be organized to fit across the page without running broadside. Limit the data field to the minimum needed for meaningful comparison within the accuracy of the methods.
• Abbreviations should conform to journal style and be consistent with those used in the text.

Authors should follow the following instructions while submitting the figures of your manuscript:

• The preferred file formats for the submission of figures are .doc, TIFF, EPS or JPEG.
• Do not include thumbnail versions of full images.
• The image resolution should be 300 dpi for gray scale and color figures, and 600 dpi for line art.
• To facilitate review, figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript separated by section breaks. Each figure should be placed on a separate page, and identified by the last name of the first author and figure number.
• Figure captions should be typed (double spaced) on a separate

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