Take Your Accent Reduction Teaching Career to the Next Level with ARTA-ARS
Carefully screened and certified ARTA accent reduction trainers
We have developed accent reduction trainer’s curriculum that we feel better prepares current and new accent reduction trainers in the field of Accent Reduction.
Online 24 x 7 training
Due to the overwhelming response of ARTA teachers registering with ARTA, we now offer certification for accent reduction teachers who wish to enroll and meet the criteria. The applications are currently being accepted now for January sessions. Please note: Teachers who become certified are carefully screened experts who hold and/or are pursuing certificates or degrees in a related field. Please allow up to 2-3 weeks for processing your application.
Extensive certification process
ARTA trainers must complete a rigorous application and certification process.
Upon certification, all ARTA accent reduction trainers will have:
- audited multiple hours of sessions taught in by ARTA Certified Trainers.
- attended required supervised webinars and online classes by guest teachers
- pass a listening skills diagnostic evaluation
- pass a written examination
- demonstrate fundamental knowledge of IPA & ARTA Methodologies
- pass an oral examination, encompassing the physiological makeup
of the human voice, ie; articulators, muscles, resonators, breath support,
vocal production, and more… - speak 5+ foreign or regional dialects of their choice with accuracy.
- submit student evaluations and progress reports
- submitted teacher evaluations by enrolled students
- display a mastery of their subject
- written articles on topics relating to their field
- completed a pre-screening application
- demonstrated teaching skills in their chosen subject, via the ARTA
live video learning site.
Secure quality training sessions
ARTA offers the highest quality standards of technology and training expertise, with an dynamic state of the art online classroom, where all lesson material may be viewed for full-time or part-time training.
All certification students will receive an annual membership to our Monthly Membership, where you may review customized material, audio samples, downloads and video files during the course of their certification training.
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Ph: (844) Speak-Well | 1-844-773-2593