Accent Reduction Training Association
Corporate Training
We offer the following corporate courses throughout the year on-site in the U.S. and Canada. Individuals can book a course privately or through their company or organization.
Inter-Personal Impact
Personal Influence in Meetings
Presentation Skills – Evening
Vocal Impact
Stage Fright
These courses are taught in in small groups of approximately eight participants and are intensive and highly interactive. They are available as on-site or on location courses which we can adapt and customize to the needs of your company or organization. The training includes theater-based exercises and incorporates mind, body, voice, breath and performance. All training is available in half-day, one or two-day programs by ARTA Certified Trainers.
Please Contact Us Today, To Get Started.
Areas Served: Philadelphia | San Francisco | Washington D.C. | San Diego | Boston | Austin | Las Vegas | Phoenix | Minneapolis | Indianapolis | Portland | Seattle | Detroit | Denver | Las Vegas | Chicago | Atlanta | Baltimore | Houston | Sacramento | New York City | Dallas | Orlando | Miami/Fort Lauderdale | Los Angeles
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Ph: (844) Speak-Well | 1-844-773-2593