Corporate Programs

Researchers / HR Partners – Accent Reduction

We offer comprehensive, customized training online or on-site or at your place of business or ours. Small group training or private sessions are available. Travel rates may apply. Integrate your world with ours, by designing a speech program that meets your companies needs.

Time: Flexible scheduling, please phone.
Place: On-site (Worldwide)

Call: (844) Speak-Well to schedule a meeting.

Objectives for you trainees accent reduction program include:

Improve and develop corporate training techniques in areas of: accent, presentation skills, public speaking and cross-cultural communication to improve customer/client relations.

  • Increase satisfaction of customers and staff
  • Increase productivity due to lack of stress, reduced call time handling
  • Minimize managerial supervision due to complaints
  • Increase morale and self confidence among trainees
  • Improve advancement opportunities for employees

Measures of Success

  • Written reports of goals and improvements among trainees
  • Samples of before and after demonstrating improvement
  • Increase morale and confidence through course evaluations

The value to your organization will include:

  • More positive customer feedback
  • Increased responsiveness among trainees to customer requests
  • Better able to relate and manage customers questions
  • Instilled confidence among trainees
  • Freeing up managers time, due to lessening the need for supervision

Format and Options

  • Interview and assess trainees and their supervisor prior to initiating Corporate Training .
  • Assessment of trainee communications, identify current language skills and vocal demands required for job duties.
  • Monitor customer/listener responses.
  • Identify gaps of communication deficiencies.
  • Analyze the areas for development and improvement.
  • Prescribe and customize the most efficient and effective interactive techniques to improve individual trainees level of communication.
  • Develop and train participants in agreed upon areas, and keep a track record of their progress.
  • Report progress of each trainee to upper management.

Accent Reduction Option 1:

Present a 2 day Webinar on the How to Achieve Accent Reduction in the workplace.

Accent Reduction Option 2:

This may include Option 1, but will also may include 1 weekly private lesson for each trainee to participate in Live online conferencing with the instructor.

Accent Reduction Option 3:

This includes Option 2, but, also may include ConverSAID OnDemand with the duration of the private training for each attendee.

Researchers and HR partners:

Find out about ARTA for your organization.
Trainers that are ARTA certified tell us that the tips and techniques learned as part of their ARTA certification have made them more organized, confident and effective during their online and in-person instruction.



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