Using the ARTA Method, you can be taught in to improve their English pronunciation, regardless of your background. Our guaranteed system of listening and pronouncing the sounds of the English language is fun, easy and effective.

How the Accent Reduction Training Association System Works

One symbol (a) is used to represent the correct English pronunciation ofthe vowel ‘a’ as is Cat. Now write the sound the way it sounds when an English native says it.  (kat ).

Accent Reduction Training Association – Basic Level Classes

Study Live Online with the Accent Reduction Training Association, and we will teach you pronunciation of the (a) symbol and show you the secrets of:

While there are 26 letters in the English language, we use almost double that amount to write out the sounds when we teach you English pronunciation with the ARTA Method.  To learn how to speak all these English pronunciations effectively and precisely, break down all your prominent and secondary sounds so you can work on one new sound in each new lesson with our private English language instructor, or in ourEnglish pronunciation sound downloads. Now matter what study option you choose, you will soon be making an “Art” out of your newly acquired English language skills.

Wehave compiled thousands of hours of research and teaching experience tobring the ARTA Method of English pronunciation to you on a clear and simple method that is backed by a satisfaction guarantee.

Who Uses the ARTA Method of Accent Reduction

TheARTA Method of English pronunciation is widely used by professional radio and television broadcasters and announcers when speaking to a general audience. It is the industry standard for American English. Itis the accent that has no assumable accent, somewhere between British and American English.

ARTA Main components:

Computer Software Development Training 
Computers are the age we live in. They run everything to our finances, toresearch, and slowly becoming an important part of the educational learning system. Software has been developed to run on computers that monitors and compresses English sounds. By entering your voice commands, using an external or internal microphone and keyboard, the computer audio track records your vocalizations, (words, phrases and sentences), graphically displaying all errors, and allowing playback for self monitoring.  The results are analyzed by ARTA and hundreds of comparable samples are returned to you for a customized approach to learning to lose your accent.  The ARTA trainer then guides the trainee through the fundamental modifications of the particular sound to acquire a more standardized or “American” sound.

Four areas of emphasis when learning Standard American Speech:

Video/Telephone Conferencing

Video/Telephone Conferencing sessions can be a highly effective way for a company to train their staff. All that is needed is an internet connection, and/or phone line.  Articulation of the exterior muscles; jaw, lips and tongue are monitored for the trainer and may be recorded for easy retrieval. The video playback is then recorded and stored for future training practice.  The close-up image of the instructors facial movements in action, has proven to be highly effective during play, pause and slow motion playback. The trainee can then repeat the articulating vowel or consonant positions.

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